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Catalog of Farm Goodies

We've got your MICROGREENS!!!
all year-round!
But coming this spring:
and more....

Eat more Greens!?!.....but how?
When trying to enjoy more greens thrown into meals, try a super fine chop or a thin shred. When the leaves are broken down into very small pieces, they blend nicely into other foods as a great compliment. Some might not even notice how many 'greens' are even really in there.
DRIED to a DUST?.......
An extremely easy way of incorporating more greens into foods is when it is dried and powdered. Any green can do this and secretly or abundantly be added to ANYTHING! Smoothies, Soups, Dressings, Pancakes, Muffins, Sauces, Cookies, You name it. Add more greens to it!

Loving the Land
We grow in the High Desert of Central Oregon where the conditions tend to be on the exteme side.
Very hot sunshine, fridgid evenings into mornings, frost any night of the year, incessant winds, infrequent rains, drought tendancies, super sandy soils with massive groundcritter populations, healthy opportunistic deer herds, all leading to easy problematic pest issues. These conditions force us to maximize water, protection, nutrition, and constant observation in order for any crop to succeed all the way to harvest. Every season we try to find ways to outsmart Mother Nature more efficiently and consciously. Every season we ask ourselves why we do what we do here. Every season we just love doing it again.